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Ko Samui, Thailand

Day 2

At sunrise we gave up trying to get any more sleep and went for a run along the beach instead. It was almost empty, which was perfect. We ran barefoot. Amateur's mistake. Neither of us had ever run without shoes, but it made sense in our minds that it would be okay on sand. Our feet were burning for hours afterwards. Next time we would wear shoes.

Complimentary breakfast in the open air restaurant overlooking the beach - not many better starts to the day than that. We weren't sure what to expect so we were amazed to find a huge buffet breakfast waiting for us. We then proceeded to eat our weight in food. They cooked omelettes to order right in front of us - I hit that a few times. They also offered "Asian" dishes that had been slightly Westernized. I tried the chicken and macaroni, which was tasty but not really a breakfast food.

Again we jumped on our scooter (by now I am an expert at driving a scooter in Thailand) and headed over to a different waterfall to yesterday. We were determined to climb this one. It didn't rain on us this time, but the humidity was through the roof. By the time we arrived at the top we were sweating profusely. It was disgusting. At least the waterfall was nice. 

After exploring more of the island we said goodbye to the scooter, bought some Champagne and Brie and sat on our deck overlooking the water. There were locals selling everything up and down the beach, from ice cream to jewellery, sports equipment to sarongs, even a photo with a monkey (I managed to steer clear of this one). Thankfully they couldn't hassle us in our private viewing spot.

We decided to get a Thai massage, inside a spa rather than the popular choice of on the beach in front of everyone. It didn't involve the use of any oil and the masseurs liked to push into our muscles with all the force they could summon. Danny loved it; I think I liked parts of it. Both of us came away thinking we would be sore tomorrow.

Dinner was at the resort restaurant. I was in the mood for wine, but the wine list was mostly crap and expensive - a bottle of cheap Australian sparkling wine was $70. We settled for a Bordeaux that didn't break the budget. Our dinner was beautiful (Thai red curry), as was dessert (banana cake with waffles). 

Our meal was followed by a walk along the beach, watching people as they let off (more) fireworks and Chinese lanterns. We silently prayed that all the fireworks would be released in the next couple of hours and not at 3 a.m. like last night. When we returned to our resort we found there was a free cabaret show at the restaurant. I had never seen so many ladyboys in one place before. It was amusing but I probably won't be on the lookout for more cabaret show.

sunrise, ko samui, thailand, beach
waterfall, ko samui, thailand
cabaret show, ko samui, thailand

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